Workshop on Software Defined Vehicles - a Holistic Technology Stack

KDT JU is making preparations in the context of the Work Programme for Call 2024, which will feature specific focus topics aligned with national and European policy priorities, with a particular emphasis on digital leadership. In line with our commitment to collaboration and community engagement, we are hosting a virtual open workshop on Thursday, October 12th, 2023. We invite all members of the Electronic Components and Systems community and representatives of the European automotive industry to participate and provide valuable feedback on our vision for focus topics on a holistic technology stack addressing the Vehicle of the Future. Two potential focus topics concerning Software and Hardware aspects of the new Vehicle of the Future paradigms will be discussed for Call 2024:

  • Focus topic 1: Service Oriented Framework for the Software defined vehicle of the future 
  • Focus topic 2: High Performance RISC-V Automotive Processors supporting the Vehicle of the future

These two focus topics would build upon our previous KDT JU initiatives on RISC-V (Calls 2021, Call 2022) and SDV (Call 2023), combining interlinked software and hardware efforts as a holistic technology stack in the field of SDV. To kickstart the discussion, we will share specific draft texts for both topics of Call 2024, which have been prepared by core teams of experts assembled by our three industry associations partnering in the Chips JU and the SHERPA working group. Attendees will have the opportunity to review and contribute to this draft text during the workshop.


The workshop will be divided into three parts:

  • The morning session will feature presentations and discussions on focus topic 1 addressing initiatives and projects relevant to SDV service architectures. This segment aims to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of current advancements, visions and inspire conversations.
  • In the early afternoon, we will focus on the hardware aspects of the SDV paradigm with emphasis on High Performance RISC-V Automotive Processors.
  • The last hour in the afternoon will be dedicated to a joint discussion between software architects and hardware developers. The ambition is that this discussion addresses SDV design as a holistic technology stack comprising practical, efficient and possibly widely adopted SDV implementation concepts.

We look forward to your active involvement in shaping the SDV of the future. Register now to secure your spot at this online workshop and contribute to the advancement of the SDV developments in Europe.


Preliminary Agenda

9:00-9:05   (5 min)      Welcome note (Yves Gigase, Chips JU)

9:05-9:20   (15 min)    KDT’s high-level view on the SDV technology stack (Georgi Kuzmanov, Chips JU)

9:20-9:40   (20 min)    Vision of the Sherpa Governance Group for SDV (Max Lemke, DG CNECT jointly with a member of the group))

9:40-10:00 (20 min)    CSA-FEDERATE‘s mission on SDV (AVL, presenter TBD)

10:00-10:20 (20 min)      SDV service architecture (Paolo Azzoni, INSIDE)

BREAK (10 min)

10:30-12:00 (90 min) Pitches (max 5min each) + structured discussion on the SDV service architecture

LUNCH 90 min

13:30-14:00 (30 min)  High Performance RISC-V Automotive Processors (Patrick Pype, NXP)

14:00-15:15 (75 min) Pitches (max 5min each) + structured discussion on RISC-V Automotive Processors

BREAK 15 min

15:30-16:30 (60 min)  Joint discussion

16:30-16:45 (15 min)  Closing remarks

  12/10/2023 to 12/10/2023
Location : Online