Chips Joint Undertaking Adopts Amendment to Multiannual Work Programme 2023-2027

Chips Joint Undertaking Adopts Amendment to Multiannual Work Programme 2023-2027


The Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) has  adopted an amendment to its Multiannual Work Programme (MAWP) for 2023-2027, introducing significant updates to its strategic initiatives for 2025. 

Key Updates:

Electronic Components and Systems Research and Innovation (ECS R&I) calls (Appendix 5 of the MAWP)

  • HORIZON-JU-Chips-2025-1-IA: Global Innovation Action (IA) 

  • HORIZON-Chips-2025-IA HIA:  Heterogeneous integration for high-performance automotive computing.

  • HORIZON-JU-Chips-2025-IA FT1: RISC-V Automotive Hardware Platform

  • HORIZON-Chips-2025-IA FT2: AI-assisted Methods and Tools for Software-Defined Vehicle Engineering Automation

  • HORIZON-Chips-2025-RIA: Global Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) targeting the development of next-generation semiconductor components and systems, including neuromorphic computing and heterogeneous integration.

  • HORIZON-Chips-2025-CSA: Boosting R&I cooperation between EU and Japan on semiconductors


Chips for Europe Initiative calls (Appendix 6 of the MAWP)


  • Cloud platform for the European Design Platform

  • DIGITAL-JU-Chips-2025-CSA-DET: Set-up and integration of Design Enablement Teams

  • HORIZON-JU-Chips-2025-IA-SUP: Support for start-ups and SMEs

  • HORIZON-JU-Chips-2025-IA-EDA: Open-source EDA tools development

  • HORIZON-JU-Chips-2025-CSA: Pan-European infrastructure for Chips Design Innovation

  • HORIZON-Chips-2025-1-IA-LEAI: Low power Edge AI Chips

  • DIGITAL-JU-Chips-2025-SG-SSOI: Accelerator for Advanced Strained Silicon on Insulator Substrates

  • Lab to Fab: Lab to Fab accelerator European ecosystem for chiplet integration

  • HORIZON-JU-Chips-2025-SGA-QAC1: Supporting developing Quantum Chip Technology for stability Pilot Lines

  • HORIZON-JU-Chips-2025-SGA-QAC2: Supporting developing Quantum Chip Technology for high-quality Trapped Ions Pilot Line

  • HORIZON-JU-Chips-2025-FPA-QAC3: Establishing Framework Partnership Agreements for developing Quantum Chip Technology for stability Pilot Lines


These updates are designed to strengthen Europe's semiconductor ecosystem by fostering innovation, enhancing international cooperation, and ensuring efficient allocation of resources. Interest participants are encouraged to review the updated Multiannual Work Programme to understand the new opportunities and requirements. The amended document is available here